Friday, December 5, 2008

I Slacker

I just realized it has been two months since I've put anything here...can't expect readers if I don't lay out anything to read!
K, so a quick recap of the past 60 days: my youngest was diagnosed with some developmental issues...a "minor case", but it still requires a lot of work. So, I've been using Allrecipe to plan out the weeks meals (with my boys help) gives me one less stressor to worry about, there's many things the kids can help with, so it works on his conentration, fine motor skills, and quality "dad" time (I get my quality kid time as well!), and a nice byproduct is healhty, nutritios meals every night. And, I don't have scientific basis for this, but kids involved in the prep will eat things they *swear* they don't like. Case in point, we made a beer-batter fish Tuesday eve; Both my kids insist they don't like younger one very adamantly...but clean plates abounded (my youngest had THREE servings!)

I should also add that I finally got back out hunting (after a 15 yr hiatus) and bagged a monster 8 pointer (155 lbs dressed) and I'm trying my hand at butchering it is ALOT more difficult than I ever imagined, but a fantastic learning experience, and a great teaching point for the kids....get them to realize how that steak goes from a cow to sizzling on their plate. I will publish my recipe experimentations as I go along...there will be a'plenty!

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